Hastings College?
Because we've reimagined the college experience with your future in mind.
The world has changed and so have we.
What Students Say

Preparing you for life as a leader after Hastings College.
Your experience matters.
We deliver a top-tier education through outstanding faculty who love to teach. It’s one of the best things about being intentionally small—from classes you’re in to a student-faculty ratio of 13:1. It’s who we are.
Faculty Insights

What to expect at Hastings College
We’ve developed a four-year plan to help you discover your own path, grow your strengths and be ready for wherever life takes you.

Plan Your College Experience
Our first-year programming encourages you to explore all Hastings has to offer, build on what motivates you, connect to a support team and figure out life as a college student!

Your First Weeks
During your first weeks on campus, you’ll complete a TruMotivate assessment. It will reveal what motivates you and drives you to perform your best. It will help you:
- Take charge of your education and academic journey.
- Take advantage of everything campus has to offer.
- Take ownership of your value, engagements and actions.
- Take control of your career path and future.

Your First Semester
During your first semester you’ll discover all the ins and outs of college life — it’s an orientation packed with practical know-how, opportunities to grow as a person and activities designed to build a common experience.
It’s just the start of your first year and everything college should be.

Positioned for Success
Our four-year plan sends you out into the world in the most successful position possible.
Read more about our Four Year Plan.
Plan your college experience at Hastings College.
Block Schedule
We divided our semesters into blocks — so students take just two classes at a time. It’s improved the college experience for our students.

Results and benefits
In our block schedule, professors observe that students engage more in class — and more engaged students perform better! Since you attend class daily in our schedule, you continuously learn, discuss and master new things.
But there's more – more time for you
Class periods provide more time for teambuilding and collaborative projects — and for developing mentoring relationships with your professors, one of the great things about Hastings.
Our block schedule reduces stress — and students report feeling more connected to their learning.
Plus One Scholarships & Finding Your People
Most students come to Hastings wanting to be part of a group or team, whether that’s in athletics, the arts or other activities. It’s a great way to get a scholarship — and find “your people.”

Plus One Scholarship
At Hastings, you’ll get a scholarship for doing something you already love because we love to recognize you for your talent and potential.
We call these “plus one” scholarships because we add them to your academic scholarship. Our academic scholarships are automatically awarded when you apply to Hastings — it couldn’t be easier!
Find Your People
Besides helping pay for school, by joining a group, you’ll connect with others and find friends you want to hang out with. They’ll be your biggest cheerleaders and support team — it’s what makes college so great.
We love to see students performing at their best — your experience matters! In the classroom and whatever area you’re involved in, this is your time to shine.