
At Hastings College, you’ll have many opportunities to address local, national and global problems that face us all: hunger, homelessness, poverty, educational needs, the environment and so many others.

You can work directly with people who need food or help after a disaster. You can work to change social policies so that they provide more for those in need. Our programs offer you many opportunities and challenges through service learning classes and activities.

What is Service Learning?

We combine service to with learning — this means that you can take many classes on campus that will allow you to do hands on work or original research in our communities.

Then take what you’ve learned and discuss it, write about it and learn from the experiences. Research shows that this is one of the best ways to learn. Employers and graduate schools, too, increasingly recognize the importance of your experiences in providing solutions and services to others.

A Hastings Tradition

Hastings College has served more than 155,000 hours in the community since 2003. A third of our students serve 20 hours or more a semester!

We have innovative programs where you can apply for funding to develop a service project in town or go to India to serve by working with low income women and children. You can go to national conferences and met other college student leaders.

In recognition of students’ efforts, Hastings often receives the President’s Community Honor Roll and Hastings students consistently win local and national awards for their efforts.

Service Learning Certificate

The Service Learning certificate requires 18-20 credits of courses that have been designated in the college catalog as service learning. It reflects a core ethos of Hastings College — service to others and critical thinking and problem solving. As your admissions counselor or academic advisor for details.

Service and Community Engagement learning community

The Service and Community Engagement learning community is the ideal place for students who seek to serve their community in their professional lives or who desire to make a significant impact through their volunteer work. Students accepted into the program will also receive a scholarship from Hastings College. 
