The Hastings College academic program is innovative, creative and student-focused, giving you the ability to select your major and minor and choose your own path — following your interests instead of a prescribed, mandatory curriculum.

With an average class size of 13 students, Hastings College faculty and staff work together to mentor motivated students like you in the exploration of your individual interests, the pursuit of your personal path and the discovery of who you want to be and where you want to go in life. The Hastings experience unlike any other college or university in the region. Find details, and our list of majors and minors, below! 

A Major + Minor + Exploration

At Hastings you’ll choose a major and a minor (or second major), plus complete the Exploration and Foundation. The major gives you the expertise and depth you need, while the minor gives you additional breadth and understanding for a successful career and life.

The Foundation includes key academic skills and college life courses. It’s the base you build upon for a successful college career! Exploration lets you choose courses in areas that interest you, but if you’re unsure of your major, it’s a great way to help discover your path.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Our Personalized Program lets you customize your experience and build your own major.

We’ve found successful graduates are mentally flexible, excellent communicators, creative thinkers and able to solve problems — and the Hastings College curriculum is designed to help you excel in all these areas.

We’ve also thought a lot about the ways students learn — and built a four-year plan to help you navigate it all. From finding your place in Year 1 to showing the world you’re ready for what’s next four years later.

Curriculum Diagram for majors, minors and foundation.

Our Majors & Pre-Professional Tracks

Note: Pre-Professional Tracks may cross multiple disciplines to set you up perfectly for the post-Hastings College advanced or technical degree you seek.

Our Minors

Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology


Communication Studies
Construction Technology
Culinary Arts

Drafting and Design Technology

Electrical Technology
Energy Technology
Environmental Studies

Government and Public Policy

Hospitality Management
Human Resource Management

Information Technology & Systems

Media Arts (allows specialization in broadcasting, graphic arts, photography and video production)


Precision Agriculture
Public Service


Science – General
Sports Media
Strength and Conditioning


Welding Technology

Certificate Programs

In addition to our majors and minors, Hastings College offers three certificate programs. If you complete one of both of these programs, you’ll have the designation marked on your transcript.

Service Learning Certificate

The Service Learning certificate requires 18-20 credits of courses that have been designated in the college catalog as service learning. It reflects a core ethos of Hastings College — service to others and critical thinking and problem solving.

Christian Ministry Certificate

The Christian Ministry certificate requires 24 credits of courses that have been designated in the college catalog for the certificate.  The certificate prepares both for lay ministry within a church and for graduate school experiences at a seminary.

Diversity Certificate

The Diversity certificate requires 18-20 credits of courses that have been designated in the college catalog as Diversity. It reflects Hastings College’s commitment to understanding diverse global and domestic communities.