Communications Student Organizations
Speech (Forensics)
The Hastings College Forensics Team is a co-curricular activity grounded in education. The goal of the coaching staff is to provide each student with the resources and feedback needed to become an accomplished speaker.
The coaches at Hastings College believe that successful competition and trophies are the result of a strong educational philosophy. Additionally, the coaches support a fun social atmosphere where students get to know each other.
Lambda Pi Eta
Lambda Pi Eta (ΛΠΗ) was founded as a national honorary in 1985 and Lambda Pi Eta’s Phi Omega Chapter was founded on the Hastings College campus in 2007. Since that time, the chapter has twice earned the National Chapter of the Year Award: in 2012 and in 2015.
Students in ΛΠΗ travel frequently to conferences and events. While we often stay in our region, there have been several opportunities for trips outside the Midwest.
Phi Omega chapter members went to San Diego, California, where they were awarded the Rookie Chapter of the Year award in 2008 and to Orlando, Florida, in 2012 where they were honored as Chapter of the Year. This year they are attending the National Communication Association Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, to receive the 2015 Chapter of the Year award.
The group takes pride in serving as a tutoring resource for students in the first-year Principles of Human Communication class. Induction into Lambda Pi Eta is competitive and students are recognized for outstanding academic achievements in Communication Studies.
Pi Kappa Delta
Eligibility for membership in Pi Kappa Delta, an honorary forensic fraternity, requires any forensic activity including debate, oral interpretation and extemporaneous speaking.

Dr. Kittie Grace
Associate Dean of Academic & Student Affairs, Professor of Communication Studies

Dr. Jessica Henry
Chair, Department of Communication Studies and Political Science

Jordan Johnson
Visiting Professor of Communication Studies and Director of Forensics

Dr. Austin McDonald
Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Associate Director of Forensics