
The term” Alcohol,” as used in this shall include alcoholic spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and every substance containing alcoholic spirits, liquor, wine or beer.

The term “illegal drug” shall mean any controlled substance included in Nebraska Revised Statutes § 28-405 (which lists controlled substances regulated under Nebraska criminal laws relating to drugs and narcotics), any “controlled substance” as defined under federal law in 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq., and any otherwise lawfully available drug (such as over the counter or prescription drugs) used for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.

The College cares about its students and employees, their health, and well-being, and it encourages all individuals to care about each other. The College recognizes that there are many academic and social problems associated with the consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs, which have a negative impact on students, employees, and campus life in general. In recognition of the problems associated with the use of drugs and alcohol on college campuses, and in accordance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, Hastings College has adopted the following policy regarding the possession and use of alcohol and illegal drugs on and off campus:

Standards of conduct for students and employees of Hastings College and their guests:

  1. The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on Hastings College property or as part of any Hastings College activity is prohibited.
  2. All laws pertaining to alcohol and drug use must be observed at all times, including, but not limited to, legal drinking age, prohibitions against providing alcohol to minors, and restrictions against operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
  3. No illegal drugs may be possessed or used on or off campus by any Hastings College employee, student or guest. The possession and/or use on or off campus of any illegal drug by a Hastings College employee, student or guest will subject the student or guest to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the College.
  4. No alcoholic beverages may be possessed or consumed on or off campus by any Hastings College employee, student, or guest under the age of 21.
  5. Alcoholic beverages are allowed within the confines of individual Hastings College Bronco Village apartments or campus houses only if all residents of that particular apartment are of legal drinking age and have applied for, been granted and display alcohol permit. Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in individual Hastings College Bronco Village apartments or campus houses if minors are present.
  6. No alcohol cans, bottles or paraphernalia are allowed in the College residence halls. No advertising for beer or other alcohol may be accepted in any campus publication or for display on campus.
  7. In an effort to deter underage drinking on or off-campus, Hastings College does not endorse or support any off-campus event(s) where alcohol will be served and where Hastings College students are present. However, in the case that an event does have alcohol present, the following guidelines are expected to be followed:
  • No college funds, including campus organization treasury funds processed through the Hastings College Business Office may be used to purchase alcohol for any student event.
  • Each student event must ensure compliance with the laws of the State of Nebraska and the Hastings College Code of Conduct.
  • Advertising of an event does not constitute an endorsement by Hastings College.
  • No posters, signs, or e-mail announcements promoting alcohol may be displayed on campus.
  • No tickets for any student events with alcohol may be sold on campus.

Legal Sanctions
Local, state and federal laws prohibit the unlawful possession or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs. Violations of such laws are criminal offenses. Sanctions and penalties for such violations may range from probation to substantial monetary fines and/or imprisonment for substantial time periods if prosecuted in the criminal or civil courts. Additionally, convictions for possessing or selling illegal drugs may impact a student’s eligibility for federal student aid.

College Disciplinary Sanctions:

  1. Disciplinary sanctions for students violating alcohol and drug provisions of this policy or the Hastings College Student Code of Conduct will be imposed. These may include, but are not limited to, the following series of sanctions or combination thereof:
    1. First Violation
  • Parental notification
  • Fine or service hours
  • Mandatory completion of alcohol or drug education program

2. Second Violation

  • Parental notification
  • Fine or service hours
  • Probation
  • Possible mandatory screening with certified drug and alcohol counselor

3.Third Violation and above

  • Parental notification
  • Fine or service hours
  • Probation
  • Suspension from residency or the college
  1. Good Samaritan Policy:

Student health and safety are primary concerns of the Hastings College community. Students are expected to contact Public Safety, a member of the residence life staff, or other college official when they believe that medical assistance for an intoxicated/ impaired student is required. In case of medical emergency or in the event that a college official cannot be reached, students should call 911 for assistance from local police, fire, or medical emergency professionals. When such assistance is sought for an intoxicated/ impaired student, the students and/or organizations seeking help, as well as the individual assisted and others involved, will not be subject to college disciplinary action with respect to the alcohol policy. (This policy does not preclude disciplinary action regarding other violations of college standards, such as causing or threatening physical harm, sexual abuse or violence, damage to property, harassment, hazing, etc. Students should also be aware that this college policy does not prevent action by state and local authorities.)

In order for this policy to apply, the intoxicated student(s) must agree to timely completion of recommended alcohol education activities, assessment, and/or treatment depending upon the level of concern for student health and safety. Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of medical concern. Failure to complete recommended follow-up will normally result in disciplinary action and could also prompt the imposition of withdrawal from the college.

  1. Consistent with Hastings College commitment to take action against acts of Sexual Harassment, Misconduct and Violence, a person reporting and witnesses involved the report of such an incident will not be held responsible for an alcohol violation disciplinary sanction under the Policy on Possession and use of Alcohol and Drugs. The respondent (person committing the act) can be held responsible for their actions under the Policy on the Possession and use of Alcohol and Drugs, the Sexual Harassment Policy, Sexual and Misconduct and Violence Policy. Additionally the respondent can also be exposed to criminal and civil proceedings outside of Hastings College.

Support and Prevention Services
Hastings College is committed to increasing employee and student awareness of the issues related to alcohol and drug use and abuse. In an effort to curb the negative effects of alcohol and drug use, the College takes the following steps:

  1. Hastings College provides educational efforts to increase awareness about the effects of alcohol and drug use, including in-class and extra-curricular lectures and discussions. Information is also provided through films, posters, and pamphlets.
  2. Greek organizations are provided additional education on health and safety issues, especially regarding hazing and acute alcohol intoxication.
  3. Drug and Alcohol Counseling Treatment or Rehabilitation Programs: The Stone Health Center coordinates and offers a variety of alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and education services for students, referral services, alcohol and other drug education classes, and peer alcohol educators. In addition, counselors provide screenings, counseling, and treatment/rehabilitation referral services for those students who are having difficulty with alcohol and drug use/abuse.
  4. Hastings College also provides counseling support through the Counseling Center for those wishing to decrease their consumption of alcohol or drugs and/or deal with alcohol/drug related problems. This may include individual, small group, and/or large group counseling support, as requested.
  5. The Office of Student Life at Hastings College are available to provide advice, assistance, and encouragement to student organizations for their development and promotion of guidelines for responsible decision-making about alcohol use by their members.
  6. The Office of Student Life at Hastings College are available to promote and facilitate any student organization’ s efforts to provide alcohol free social and recreational options.
  7. Office of Student Life at Hastings College encourage and cooperate with local businesses to help reduce the drinking promotions targeting underage drinkers and excessive drinking.

Health Risks
Drug abuse is a major health problem in the United States. College-age students are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse because of their tendency to engage in a variety of high-risk behaviors and can lead to sexual misconduct, sexual violence and other criminal conduct. The problems associated with alcohol and/or other drug consumption covers a broad range including physical and psychological illnesses (acute alcohol poisoning, mood disorders, self-destructive behavior, and suicide). Accidents, homicides and suicide are the leading causes of mortality in the college-age population, and alcohol is a major contributing factor in a third to half of all the cases. Alcohol is also a contributing factor in poor decision-making that can lead to unsafe and antisocial behaviors (arguments, fights, driving while intoxicated, sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies). With respect to long-term consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse, the most serious illness and the highest rate of mortality result from alcohol-induced liver damage. Other consequences of chronic alcohol and other drug abuse include gastrointestinal diseases, cancer, and permanent damage to the brain and nervous system.

Alcohol Policy for College Sponsored Off-Campus Excursions
There are special considerations related to the use of alcohol during off-campus excursions when those excursions extend outside of the regular instructional day, and may extend for several days. These considerations stem from the need to balance the rights of students to exercise their personal freedoms with the responsibility of the college to maintain a safe and effective learning and teaching atmosphere during such excursions. Therefore, the following policies will govern the use of alcohol by students on college-sponsored off-campus excursions, such as field trips and sporting events. Sponsoring departments and trip organizers may establish restrictions in addition to these (e.g., Athletic Department prohibitions on any alcohol consumption by athletes, a faculty member deeming alcohol consumption inappropriate in association with the purposes of the trip.):

  1. Students must observe all laws pertaining to alcohol use in the jurisdiction where the excursion takes place. These include, but are not limited to, legal drinking age, prohibitions against providing alcohol to minors, restrictions against operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, and alcohol-restricted zones such as parks, public buildings, and campgrounds.
  2. Students must refrain from the consumption of alcohol during periods that College faculty members define as instructional periods. Instructional periods may include any part or all of any given day during the excursion and are not limited to periods used for direct instruction.
  3. Students may consume alcohol only during periods defined as personal, non-instructional time. Students who use alcohol during personal, non-instructional, time must do so in a manner that allows them to be prepared to participate fully in subsequent instruction with complete sobriety and without physical or mental impairment.
  4. In all cases, faculty members’ discretion and authority will prevail with respect to the appropriateness of student alcohol consumption at any particular time, instructional or personal, during off-campus excursions.
  5. At all times students are responsible for following the Hastings College Code of Conduct.
  6. Illegal drugs, as defined by campus policy are prohibited during any off-campus excursion.
  7. Students are ultimately responsible for their own behavior and compliance with laws and regulations of the local jurisdiction, Hastings College policies, department restrictions and faculty authority.

Guidelines for Events Where Alcohol is Present (not an all-inclusive list, but intended to provide some basic suggestions)

  1. An equal number of alternative, non-alcoholic beverages should be provided at each event involving alcoholic beverages.
  2. Food should be provided at each event involving alcoholic beverages.
  • The amount of food should be reasonable depending on the number of guests expected.
  • The variety of food should include some items without salt.
  1. Each participant must present an ID when entering any event involving alcoholic beverages or when purchasing alcohol.
  • A mark or wristband must be used to designate those of legal age (21 in Nebraska).
  • Enforcement must occur at private parties, as well as at public establishments.
  1. Beverage containers, whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic, must be kept inside the host facility.
  2. Third-party vendors or trained servers must be used for all registered events.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be served to intoxicated individuals.
  • The serving of alcohol must cease one hour before the event is to end.
  1. Security measures must be taken to monitor for and prevent underage drinking.
  • Empty or abandoned drinks must be discarded.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be passed “under the table.”
  1. Designated Drivers or the Hastings College Safe Rides must be used at each social event.
  • If Designated Drivers are used, there must be an adequate number available dependent on the number attending.
  • If the Hastings College Safe Ride is used, they must be notified of the time, place, and hours of the social event several days in advance.
  • If the Hastings College Safe Ride is used, the telephone number to call must be posted in a prominent place at the student event.
  • All unregistered student events or social gatherings, including pre- and post-parties (“primers” and “posters”) that are in violation of these guidelines are officially discouraged by the College and its campus organizations.
  1. Illegal drugs are prohibited at any student event.

Drug Education and Testing Policy for Student Athletes
The Hastings College Athletic Department has an additional policy for educating and deterring the illegal use of drugs and substances. Contact the Athletic Department at 402.461.7395 for more information about the policy.
