Endowed Scholarships

You will change the lives of students, many of whom could not afford to attend Hastings College without your support.

By establishing an endowed scholarship, you help a student pursue a dream of a college education, when financial obstacles would otherwise keep that dream out of reach. Your gift secures a source of financial aid in perpetuity while recognizing the legacy of a loved one, a favorite professor, or your own through the naming of the scholarship.

A note from HC Student Isaiah Strachan, expected HC Class of 2025 –

“I want to express my gratitude for giving me the opportunity to make further advancements in my academic career. This scholarship meant so much to me because just receiving it made me feel like I was smart and dedicated enough to actually pursue a career in the medical field and make a difference in the world. In addition, it relieved my parents of a significant portion of my tuition and for that I am extremely grateful. At times I tend to feel that I am not cut out to chase this little dream of mine, but it’s moments like this – when all of your hard work is rewarded, that allows a person to keep going and stick with it. So, thank you so much for supporting me in my ambitions and I hope that this step that you have given me, can become the staircase to my bright and beautiful future.”

An endowed scholarship is operational when the balance reaches $20,000. Those who have established an operational endowed scholarship are included in the
Ringland Society and receive exclusive access to opportunities throughout the year, including the Scholarship Luncheon, limited events, updates, and more!

Join hundreds of others who have left a legacy at Hastings College by establishing an Endowed Scholarship. Contact Claire Bostelman at 402.461.7786 or claire.bostelman@hastings.edu.


Draws are calculated based upon the average fund balance over the prior three years. If the fund is less than three years, it will be the average of the years since it was created, until it is three years old (year one would be the balance with no average, year two would average the prior two years, year three would average the prior three years). Usually, the draw is around 5%, with each fund rounded to the whole dollar.

Although additional gifts may be given to your fund at any time, June 30 of each year is the cutoff to impact the average draw for two years. Because our draws are based on averages, the funds won't be allocated for another year and a half while they accrue interest. For example, gifts made before June 30, 2024 won't be dispersed until the fall of FY25-26.

Our current investment strategy and policy is conservative to protect us through these volatile times. In 2023-2024 we have 11% in the Money Market, 53% in stocks, and 36% in bonds. Our investment committee is focused on investment strategies for long term success. If you are interested in further details regarding the investment strategy, we welcome your call.

Once the fund has hit the $20,000, it is considered operational and will be drawn upon every year, regardless of if the balance drops below $20,000 due to market performance or other factors. This means that the Office of Financial Aid will have less money to award to students. You may contribute additional funds to your scholarship to help keep the balance above $20,000.

Yes! Please be sure to speak with a Foundation staff member to ensure we know how to best fulfill your legacy. If you already have included the College in your estate, we will regularly send materials to confirm our records and notes are accurate.

Yes! Visit Endowed Opportunities to learn more about chairs, professorships, naming opportunities and more!