

Dr. Brie Myre

Assistant Professor of Biology

Morrison-Reeves 143

Dr. Brie Myre is a comparative endocrinologist and conservation physiologist specializing in reptiles, especially sea turtles. Dr. Myre earned her bachelor’s degree in Fisheries and Wildlife with Zoo Care and Conservation Biology options and a Spanish minor from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During her undergraduate career she participated in undergraduate research in parasitology and did internships at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, the National Marine Life Center and the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. The connections developed as an undergraduate and participation in academic conferences led Dr. Myre to pursuing reproductive physiology research during her MSc in Biology at Southeastern Louisiana University. Dr. Myre used ultrasound and physiological blood metrics to complete her thesis, “Ovarian Dynamics in Free-Ranging Loggerhead Sea Turtles.” She then expanded upon her MSc work at Texas A&M University where she earned her PhD in Biology while studying mass-nesting Costa Rican sea turtles, her dissertation is titled, “Energy Use and Allocation in Reproducing Olive Ridley Sea Turtles.” During her graduate career, Dr. Myre taught many laboratory courses at multiple institutions including Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Chordate Anatomy, Animal Physiology and MCAT preparation.

Scientific Interests: Evolution of hormone function, reproduction in reptiles and amphibians, marine ecophysiology, conservation of endangered species, especially sea turtles.

Courses: BIOL 111 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, BIOS 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing, BIOL 344 Vertebrate Form and Function