Making a Report
All members of the HC Family who are a victim/survivor of an act of sex or gender based harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct are strongly encouraged to make a report to both the Hastings Policy Department and to the Hastings College Title IX Coordinator. Reporting can help to ensure the safety of the victim/survivor and the entire campus community. Victim/survivors have the right to report assaults without further participation in any investigation.
The College reserves the right to address offensive conduct and/or harassment that (1) does not rise to the level of creating a hostile environment, or (2) that is of a generic nature and not based on a protected characteristic. Addressing such conduct will not result in the imposition of discipline under Title IX processes, but may be addressed through respectful conversation, remedial actions, education, effective Alternative Resolution and/or other informal resolution mechanisms.
For assistance with Alternative Resolution and other informal resolution techniques and approaches, employees will be directed Human Resources, and students will be directed to the Dean of Student Engagement. Employee and student conduct that does not fall within the definition of a Title IX offense may still be addressed through other grievance processes. Those processes are as follows:
- Faculty-Student academic issue goes to Academic Affairs
- Student-Student goes to Student Concerns
- Employee-Student goes to HR
- Employee-Employee goes to HR
View the HC Cares Grievance process flow chart (.pdf).
Reports can be made by using this online form:
File an online HC Cares Report
You report by doing one of the following:
- Contact the Kittie Grace, Title IX Coordinator directly at
- Contact one of the Deputy Title IX Coordinators: Chris Clements at or Colleen Ferguson at
- Send as much information as possible via email to
- Contact the Dean of Student Engagement at
- Contact Office of Public Safety during nights and weekends at 402.984.8064 (mobile)
- If a report is about the Title IX Coordinator, please do not use the HC Cares Report form but instead contact a Deputy Title IX Coordinator (contact information above) or Hastings College President Dr. Rich Lloyd at
All HC Cares Reports are reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator. If a report is about the Title IX Coordinator, that report is reviewed by the Title IX Deputies or President. The information given remains confidential and no action will be taken without the consent of the reporting party. Once a report is received, the Title IX Coordinator makes the determination if the report identifies that acts of sex or gender based harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct demonstrates bias against an individual or group of people based on actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, age, or veteran status. If the report identifies such acts, then an intake report will occur to determine the process. If no such acts are identified, the Title IX Coordinator will process these reports through informal resolution mechanisms, assisted by HR and/or the Dean of Student Engagement.
Reports made to an employee at Hastings College increase the ability of the college to gather adequate information and take appropriate remedial or action. Actions may be limited where a significant amount of time has elapsed between an incident and the filing of a complaint.
If you would like to pursue a formal report through local law enforcement please contact:
Hastings Police Department (911) or 402.461.2364.
In cases where the incident is reported to both the police and the college, Hastings College will cooperate with the police investigation and will also conduct an investigation into the reported incident.
Reporting Party Rights
- Reporting parties have the right to notify the Hastings Police Department (HPD) of incidents and to receive assistance from campus personnel in doing so.
- Reporting parties may decline to report to HPD if they so wish.
- Reporting parties have the right to have their allegations investigated and resolved by Hastings College.
- All members of the campus community have the right to have reported incidents addressed according to the published HC Cares policy and procedures.
- All parties have equal opportunities to have an advisor/support person of their choosing present throughout all resolution proceedings (including intake, interviews, sanctioning, etc.). This person can be an advisor, advocate, attorney, family member, friend, faculty member, etc.
- All parties have the right to written notice of the outcome of sexual misconduct resolution proceedings.
- Reporting parties and witnesses will receive amnesty for minor infractions (i.e., alcohol and drug violations) that are secondary to the reporting incidents of sexual misconduct.
- Reporting parties, their supporters, and witnesses have a right to be free from retaliation.
- Students have a right to be notified of their ability to access campus counseling and health services.
- Students and employees have a right to be notified of on and off campus support resources.
- All parties involved in sexual misconduct allegations will receive the information and assistance needed to effectively participate in all proceedings.
- Reporting parties have the right to seek orders of protection, no-contact orders, restraining orders, or similar lawful orders issued by criminal, civil, or tribal courts, and may seek the help of Hastings College in requesting and/or enforcing.
Amnesty for individuals reporting a potential HC Cares violation
Hastings College encourages the reporting of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct and crimes by all members of our community (i.e. 3rd party reporter and reporting party). At times individuals are hesitant to report to College officials or participate in resolution processes because they fear that they may be accused of policy violations that occurred at the time of the incident, such as underage drinking. It is in the best interest of this community that as many individuals as possible choose to report to College officials, and that witnesses come forward to share what they know.
To encourage reporting, the College has a Good Samaritan Policy (Hastings College Student Handbook) which offers individuals who are the reporting party, 3rd party reporter, and witnesses of misconduct amnesty from minor policy violations related to the incident. The College pursues a policy of amnesty for students who offer help to others in need. [While policy violations cannot be overlooked, the College will provide educational options, rather than punishment, to those who offer their assistance to others in need.]