

Graphic that says emergency scholarship fund

Emergency scholarship fund to support students impacted by recent disasters

The Hastings College Foundation has established an emergency scholarship fund to support students who may be facing financial hardships due to recent unprecedented flooding and other natural disasters. Approximately 60 percent of Hastings College students are from a declared disaster area, and the Foundation recognizes that some families from Nebraska and other states may need

Emergency scholarship fund to support students impacted by recent disasters Read More »

Hastings College license plate

Hastings College license plates let drivers take their pride on the road

Fans of Hastings College can now take their Hastings College pride on the road, as Nebraska officials recently approved a design for a Hastings College specialty license plate. The plates give drivers an opportunity to showcase  Hastings College across the state and when driving around the country. For the plates to enter into production, at

Hastings College license plates let drivers take their pride on the road Read More »

Piano Festival poster

Pianist to present ‘Pianos that Helped Win the War’ lecture-recital as part of festival

The Gladys Frisch Harris Piano Festival returns to Hastings College in April, bringing an outstanding teacher-performer to campus for a day of informative and inspiring activities. This year’s clinician is Dr. Gary Pedersen, who will give a lecture-recital on “World War II Music: The Pianos that Helped Win the War,” at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday,

Pianist to present ‘Pianos that Helped Win the War’ lecture-recital as part of festival Read More »

Picture of Alpha Chi inductees.

Alpha Chi inducts seven new students, celebrates 70th academic year

Alpha Chi celebrated its 70th academic year on Hastings College campus recently by inducting seven new students. Alpha Chi is a coeducational academic honor society designed to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college students and to honor those who achieve such distinction. Only juniors and seniors who place in the top 10 percent

Alpha Chi inducts seven new students, celebrates 70th academic year Read More »
