Central Community College and Hastings College have signed a new agreement that provides expanded educational opportunities for Hastings College students.
Under the terms of the agreement, CCC will provide Hastings College students for-credit coursework, which may be used for the completion of an HC degree, including several minors, as well as for the completion of certificate programs at CCC. Students must maintain full-time status (12 credits per semester) at Hastings College in order to enroll in up to six credits per term at CCC for Hastings College to cover the tuition and fees for those courses.

This expands and replaces previous agreements that allowed Hastings College students to minor in Agri-Business, Construction Management and Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts through CCC coursework. Additional minors added to the agreement include Advanced Manufacturing Design Technology, Drafting and Design Technology, Electrical Technology, Energy Technology, Information Technology & Systems, Precision Agriculture, Welding Technology and Media Arts, which allows specialization in broadcasting, graphic arts, photography and video production.
“It is rewarding to know many students have benefited from our collective work,” said Hastings College Executive President Dr. Rich Lloyd. “Because of that success and our history of working together, we were able to design pathways for students at both institutions to advance their educational and professional interests by sharing courses on our respective campuses.”
As part of the agreement, participating Hastings College students will be admitted as CCC students and provided all available student services at CCC.
“We are very pleased to be able to diversify the career and technical instructional opportunities for Hasting College students utilizing our CCC faculty and facilities without the need for costly duplication of services between the two institutions,” said CCC President Dr. Matt Gotschall. “Hastings area employers will be the true winners with the student outcomes of this innovative partnership.”
Hastings College is a four-year residential college that focuses on student academic and extracurricular achievement, Hastings’ student-centered initiatives include providing books, an iPad and a two-week study away experience at no additional cost. A block-style semester schedule allows professors and students to focus on fewer classes at a time and promotes hands-on experiences. Discover more at hastings.edu.