
Death penalty topic of next E.N. Thompson Lecture Series

“The Death Penalty: Justice, Retribution and Dollars” serves as the title for the next presentation in the E.N. Thompson Lecture series. J. Kirk Brown, Solicitor General for the State of Nebraska since 2003, and Michael Radelet, Professor of Sociology at the University of Colorado-Boulder will speak. The event will be simulcast at Hastings College on Wednesday, November 28 at 7 p.m. in the lower level of the Wilson Center (714 E. 9th St.) The event is free and open to the public.  

Brown has served as Nebraska’s counsel of record in its three most recent executions while Radelet studies capital punishment, erroneous convictions, racial bias and ethical issues surrounding capital punishment.

The E.N. Thompson lecture series, which will focus on religion, rights and politics throughout the 2012-2013 academic year, is named in honor of E.N. “Jack” Thompson, who served as president of the Cooper Foundation from 1964 to 1990 and as its chairman from 1990 until his death in 2002. Thompson established the series to promote better understanding of world events and issues for all Nebraskans.

The simulcasts, sponsored by the Nebraska Humanities Council and colleges and universities across the state, allow more Nebraskans to have the opportunity to benefit from outstanding speakers and community discussion. Details about the E.N. Thompson Forum are available at

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