
Open Space for visual, performing arts now accepting applications

Open Space for the Visual and Performing Arts immersion experience for high school sophomores and juniors is set for June 11-17 on the Hastings College campus. The application and additional details can be found at

Open Space vertical logo“Open Space is rewarding in so many ways for students,” said Dr. Annette Vargas, Hastings College vice president for student access, enrollment and performance. “Students make new friends, discover their interests and talents, and take new steps to fulfilling their dreams. For many, this is the first time they find a group of ‘their people.’ It’s so rewarding.”

The Visual Arts track offers students a chance to explore a range of art mediums including glassblowing, ceramics, sculpting and media arts with daily sessions in the Jackson Dinsdale Art Center. Students will meet and work with Hastings College faculty and learn about future career opportunities in art. The Visual Arts track is focused on current high school juniors.

The Performing Arts track focuses on acting, speech, voice/chamber choir, creative writing, piano and instrumental music, including brass and percussion ensembles. Students will have the opportunity to grow in advanced technique within their main discipline, plus explore careers in the performing arts. The Performing Arts track is focused on current high school sophomores and juniors.

This is an experience tailored to students interested in pursuing or participating in the arts, speech and creative writing in college, and is an excellent opportunity for students to be immersed in the college environment and develop their craft.

Open Space for the Visual Arts and Performing Arts is valued at more than $1,000, but the Jackson Dinsdale Endowment Fund at the Hastings College Foundation grants each student a $750 scholarship to attend, lowering the student commitment to $250. However, no student will be turned away due to finances, as additional assistance is available to families who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program.

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