
Second senior art thesis exhibition open through May 13

The second thesis gallery show, which features the work of five senior art majors, is on view from April 25 to May 13 in the Hastings College Jackson Dinsdale Art Center (JDAC). The show is in both JDAC galleries, which are open from 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

A lecture for the exhibition is scheduled on Sunday, April 30, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Wilson Center Auditorium (814 N. Turner Avenue), followed by a reception in the JDAC sponsored by Blue Fork. The galleries, lecture and reception are free and open to the public.

Photographic showing five pieces of art.This exhibition features work from Joseph Campbell of Columbus, Nebraska; Cassidy Coalson of Bridgeport, Nebraska; Savanah Ellis of Arapahoe, Nebraska; Stephanie Mlynarik of Fort Calhoun, Nebraska; and Teeya Olson of Papillion, Nebraska.

Campbell’s “Weight” is a series of ceramic sculptures that emphasize repetition and process. These formalistic creations are extensions of the anxious mind. They are heavy, entangled masses shaped by gravity that are nonetheless fragile and vulnerable.

“Hystero” is an analysis on the maternal roles indoctrinated to the daughters of this generation. Living in a rural patriarchal society, Coalson questions her beliefs and searches for inspiration through the historical influences of Greco Roman mythology, Christian feminine iconography and botanicals. These influences help Coalson conceptualize the idea of “nature versus nurture” as she also explores her own identity and role as a modern woman.

“Life After Death” by Ellis is an interactive installation, composed of rich dirt and several varying sizes of urn-like vessels. Participants are invited to connect with their emotions in the space and to let go of their burdens for a short while.

Mlynarik’s work features thick, vibrant painted scenes of her rarely changing childhood home.

Olson’s clay wings are wall installations that mimic and embrace the spiritual nature that wings represent. With inspirations from different mythologies and personal experiences, the sight of these wings in flight are sure to capture the viewers’ attention.

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