
Success Tags: English

Jewell ’97 editor of Willa Cather archive at UNL

Dr. Andrew Jewell, a 1997 Hastings College graduate, is a professor of digital projects at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) Libraries and is editor of the Willa Cather archive and coordinates the…

Ferguson ‘96 inspires, advocates for youth

Pete Ferguson ‘96, coordinator of the Youth Development Team at Lincoln (Nebraska) Public Schools, has built a career lifting up and giving voice to underrepresented youth. He and his team counsel dropouts…
Dr. Constance Malloy in a classroom.

Constance — As told by Jocelyn Delgado

Dr. Constance Malloy, professor of English, is retiring after 27 years at Hastings College. Through the years, Dr. Malloy has supported many campus organizations; mentored hundreds of students; provided hospitality to students,…