
Our Stories

Jewell 2020 page

Jewell ’97 editor of Willa Cather archive at UNL

Dr. Andrew Jewell, a 1997 Hastings College graduate, is a professor of digital projects at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) Libraries and is editor of the Willa Cather archive and coordinates the…
Pete Ferguson 20 fw

Ferguson ‘96 inspires, advocates for youth

Pete Ferguson ‘96, coordinator of the Youth Development Team at Lincoln (Nebraska) Public Schools, has built a career lifting up and giving voice to underrepresented youth. He and his team counsel dropouts…
Cliff Bosley 20 w

A BOLDER kind of success for 1990 grad

Cliff Bosley was only 12 in 1979 when he and 2,700 other runners hit the pavement in the first BOLDERBoulder, the iconic Memorial Day 10K founded by his father, Steve, with the…
Powers Jord 19

Alumna launches alternative protein business

Cheryl Powers ‘87 raises livestock that is like no other. Instead of grazing on verdant pastures, her six-legged creatures slither and crawl over each other in plastic trays, munching on wheat bran…
jennifer zarek fw

Zarek ’15 uses data to help Nebraska thrive

As chief data officer at the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, Jennifer Zarek ’15 works behind the scenes, crunching numbers and analyzing data, to boost her home state and ensure Nebraska continues…
DaeRon Jones 19fw

Storytime with DaeRon a surprise hit with students

Hastings College’s night activity line-up has a new addition this year: Storytime with DaeRon and Activity Time with DaeRon, alternating each week. The events, lead by Hastings College sophomore DaeRon Jones, are…