Our Stories

Artist, CEO puts community first
Derek Rusher’s murals bring a splash of color and creativity to the prairie towns of South Central Nebraska. The 2002 Hastings College art education graduate and his team from Impact Art, a…

Johnson learns more about nursing while volunteering in Haiti
In January, Hastings College sophomore Emma Johnson traveled to Haiti, where she interned with Bless Back Worldwide, a nonprofit organization that allowed her to gain in-depth field experience in her dream job:…

Video: Ismaiel finds sophomore study abroad program inspirational, transformational
Hastings College student Jordan Ismaiel participated in the sophomore study abroad program in January 2019. The studio art major found the visit to the Louvre inspirational and the entire 10-day Parisian journey…

Video: Bernero ’17 finds success as a trust associate
Natalie Bernero, a 2017 Hastings College graduate, works as a trust associate for First Western Trust in Denver, Colorado. She said personal relationships with her professors helped her excel in the difficult…

Flaxbeard one of four in Red Cross pilot Campus LEAD program
Helene Flaxbeard, a 2013 Hastings College graduate, is a member of the Red Cross’s Campus Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD) program — a rotational program designed to recruit and develop recent graduate…

Video: Hemje ’10, first generation college student, finds success as family physician
Dr. Mackenzie Hemje, a 2010 Hastings College graduate, is a family physician in Hastings, Nebraska. He chose Hastings College because he could play a sport, be involved in other activities and excel…

Through teaching and learning, Heflebower strives to make an impact
Dr. Tammy Heflebower’s interest in teaching was sparked at a young age. She started her career in a traditional classroom but now runs Inspire Consulting, a company specializing in organizational and educational…

Matousek ’18 learns from different cultures on missions trip
Allison Matousek, a 2018 sports and recreational management graduate, is getting out of her comfort zone and letting things happen as they come. Matousek has always loved kids. In high school, she…

Video: Versatility serves Schuster ’16 well at e-commerce company
Tyler Schuster ’16 works in Omaha, Nebraska, as a senior copywriter for e-commerce company Spreetail. After changing his major sophomore year, Schuster focused on communication studies and journalism at Hastings College. The…

Mitchell ’17 studying abroad to get PhD in food safety microbiology
Molly Mitchell, a 2017 Hastings College biology graduate, used her Hastings College connections to study abroad in Ireland. But her path to an international graduate program was not straightforward. Mitchell was studying…

Video: Johnson ’03 finds success in physical therapy practice
Dr. Lara Johnson, a 2003 Hastings College graduate, owns a physical therapy practice in Boulder, Colorado, where she specializes in neuromuscular techniques. She majored in exercise science at Hastings College, but classes outside…

60 Hastings College students spend January in Paris
In January, Hastings College sent 60 sophomores, two professors, its president and its director of international programs to Paris for 10 days as a pilot program for the College’s study abroad initiative…

From visitor to volunteer to director: Chase grows up with YWCA’s The Zone
Andy Chase, a senior majoring in journalism and broadcasting, is spending his final year of college juggling being a full-time student and full-time employee. In fall 2018, he was named director of…

McKay ‘01 serves through Army, immunology
Dr. Jerome McKay is a soldier scientist, one of a small and highly specialized group within the U.S. Army, as well as an immunologist at one of the leading respiratory hospitals in…

Lundeen sculpts larger-than-life Stations of the Cross
Had George Lundeen ‘71 participated in a Stations of the Cross liturgy before he began producing bronze sculptures depicting along Jesus’ journey to the Crucifixion? “Heavens no!” said the internationally-acclaimed sculptor who…

A Fulbright in Greece: ‘Humanity’s purpose is universal’
Vague ideas about Greek hospitality, food and culture do not take long to solidify to a firm love for the country. My notions of Greek life at the start of my Fulbright…