
Success Stories

Helena Jorgenson w

Jorgenson finds success at Hastings College on way to chiropractic school

The Hastings College Physical Education and Human Performance Department is filled with a diverse group of talented students — and Helena Jorgenson from Gothenburg, Nebraska, is one such student. A senior majoring in exercise science and minoring in art, Jorgenson has continuously excelled and impressed the faculty at Hastings College. Throughout her high school career […]

Jorgenson finds success at Hastings College on way to chiropractic school Read More »

Ally Banks 21

Banks promotes small businesses through newspaper articles

Combining her passions for promoting small business and telling important stories, Hastings College sophomore Allison Banks has spent the last two years writing articles for the Hastings Tribune to promote businesses in Hastings. Banks, who is also part of the Scott Scholars Program at Hastings College, began the project with the help of Dave Rippe,

Banks promotes small businesses through newspaper articles Read More »

Morgan Oneill 21fw 1

O’Neill seizes chance to work with Broadway actress Leslie Kritzer (video)

When the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself, most people jump at the chance. That’s exactly what Hastings College junior music student, Morgan O’Neill, from Cheyenne, Wyoming, did. In October, O’Neill’s vocal instructor, Dillon Beede, submitted O’Neill’s name for a chance to participate in a musical theatre masterclass, sponsored by the West Central National Association

O’Neill seizes chance to work with Broadway actress Leslie Kritzer (video) Read More »

Bailey Patterson 21fw

Patterson combines business, culinary arts with goal of opening a bakery

Hastings College junior Bailey Patterson uses no excuses as she strives to achieve her goals of opening her own bakery one day. Patterson, a business administration and culinary arts major from Stanton, Nebraska, aspires to be a culinary chef and open her own bakery in memory of her grandmother. She said she believes every baked

Patterson combines business, culinary arts with goal of opening a bakery Read More »

CheyenneKnehans 21b fw

Knehans leaves comfort zone behind while continuing her education at CalArts

An advocate for continually exploring outside her comfort zone, Hastings College alumnus Cheyenne Knehans ‘18 is currently pursuing her master degree at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). Knehans is in the School of Theatre, specializing in Applied Arts. Her degree emphasises are within the field of art direction, scenic scenic artistry and visual

Knehans leaves comfort zone behind while continuing her education at CalArts Read More »
