
Success Stories

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Diffendaffer improves athletic safety, performance through biomechanical research

Alek Diffendaffer applies reflective markers to the major joints and anatomical landmarks of a baseball pitcher as 3D motion capture camera and high-tech software stand by to record the pitcher’s movements. Each recording will be recreated into a life-like animation on a nearby computer screen. The motion picture industry evolved greatly with the introduction of

Diffendaffer improves athletic safety, performance through biomechanical research Read More »

Photo of the Business Department talent pool.

Talent Pool offers mentoring, internships

When business students jump into the Talent Pool, they are supported by local business and nonprofit leaders —including HC alumni—who serve as mentors and provide meaningful internships. This difference-making program is sponsored, in part, by the Dudley-Doerr Society, a network of business alumni who provide mentoring and financial support. Talent Pool, started in 2013 for

Talent Pool offers mentoring, internships Read More »


Internship gives Smith insight to life as a physician’s assistant

Senior biochemistry major Maddy Smith spent the 2017 January Term learning what it takes to be a physician’s assistant (PA) by spending every day job shadowing at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.    Smith, who is from Littleton, Colorado, spent every day of the experience in the hospital or in an outpatient setting.

Internship gives Smith insight to life as a physician’s assistant Read More »
