
Success Stories


Four Heartland Bank employees share a Hastings College bond

Though they each have individual roles, four Heartland Bank employees relate to a special understanding that brings them together — a Hastings College education. Heartland Bank is made up of ten locations in Nebraska, with eight full-service branches and two loan production offices. Numerous corporate, bank-wide positions are officed at the Hastings branch, so what

Four Heartland Bank employees share a Hastings College bond Read More »

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Hastings College President, faculty visit sister school in Russia

Hastings College has a special relationship with one of its sister schools, Pyatigorsk State University, in Pyatigorsk Russia, that dates back about 20 years. Both schools exchange students for study abroad. Recently, Hastings College President, Don Jackson; Dr. Liz Frombgen, professor of political science and associate vice president for academic affairs; and Dr. Rob Babcock,

Hastings College President, faculty visit sister school in Russia Read More »

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Nelson takes on leadership role immediately after college

It’s not a common occurrence to go from managing your personal budget as a college student to working with an entire county’s tourism budget just weeks after graduating. But Kayla Nelson made the transition look easy. Almost immediately after receiving her diploma, Nelson started working as the executive director of the Adams County Convention and Visitors

Nelson takes on leadership role immediately after college Read More »


Passionate peer educators change lives with presentation

In addition to studying biology, Hastings College seniors Jake Kampschneider, from Omaha, Nebraska, and Abbey Tiell, from Littleton, Colorado, are members of the College Acquaintance Rape Educators (CARE), and are passionate about the preventative measures for sexual assault. Kampschneider and Tiell were once intrigued by a webinar about the neurobiology of sexual assault. As peer

Passionate peer educators change lives with presentation Read More »


Hastings College interns apply talents to ScoreVision

Hastings College has partnered with Omaha-based ScoreVision to install a new state-of-the-art scoreboard in Lynn Farrell Arena—and pilot a new internship program. This summer, four Hastings College students are exploring uncharted territory in scoreboard technology while applying their individual skills and interests. Students Tyler Murphy, John Funkey, Landon Rodabaugh and Ben Scheef work closely with

Hastings College interns apply talents to ScoreVision Read More »
