
Success Stories

bud pettigrew

Video: Pettigrew serves as Chair of Chairs of the Nebraska Democratic Party

Hastings College Alum Bud Pettigrew ’83 graduated with a degree in political science and history. He now serves as the Chair of Chairs of the Nebraska Democratic Party, where he works for former Senator Bob Kerrey. Pettigrew was also a teacher and coach for 25 years before getting involved in political campaigns. He has also […]

Video: Pettigrew serves as Chair of Chairs of the Nebraska Democratic Party Read More »

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Talent Pool introduces Vaughan to internship with genuine responsibilities

Making connections with local businesses this summer is Hastings local Maggie Vaughan. As a marketing intern at the Hastings Economic Development Corporation (HEDC), Vaughan has been reaching out to local manufacturers to create profiles for them. She hopes to promote employment at companies like Bruckman Rubber, Dutton-Lainson Company, T-L Irrigation to high school-aged students, college

Talent Pool introduces Vaughan to internship with genuine responsibilities Read More »


Bui explores being an application developer as an intern

In a few weeks, Johnson Bui and 15 other interns will release Driveway, a competitive intelligence web application, to Farm Credit Services of America for internal use. “The application is meant to streamline the process of identifying current and potential prospects while also providing all the necessary information to maintain or form a new relationship,”

Bui explores being an application developer as an intern Read More »
