
Success Stories

Summer on Capitol Hill energizes political science major

In the fast-paced world of national politics, Hastings College student Sierra Walker found her experience on the Hastings College Forensics team invaluable. “Doing speech and debate familiarized me with every major area of policy, helped me recognize people and names and prepared me to speak professionally on the fly on the phone or in person,” […]

Summer on Capitol Hill energizes political science major Read More »

Psychology major helps ID top job candidates

When Lincoln, Neb.-native and Hastings College student Kelly Prange first contacted Talent Plus about a summer internship, the news wasn’t encouraging. After she described her interest in industrial and organizational psychology, experience and coursework at Hastings College, the recruiter explained Talent Plus wasn’t seeking interns at the time. He also said when the talent search

Psychology major helps ID top job candidates Read More »

Ballou driven to serve rural America

“With my roots grounded in a small farm community in southwest Nebraska, I am driven by a passion to serve rural America,” said Brooke Ballou, a Wilsonville, Neb., native studying Agribusiness and Marketing at Hastings College. “I’ve chosen to invest my future in a farming lifestyle that has been so rewarding to my family.” To get

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Greeley, Colo., native embraces broad education, opportunities at Hastings

Alex Eisele of Greeley, Colo., chose Hastings College after earning the Walter Scott Scholarship, the College’s most prestigious scholarship for academics and leadership potential. “Although I initially came to Hastings College because of this financial support, my experience has become so much more. I have met the most kind and selfless people. I have established

Greeley, Colo., native embraces broad education, opportunities at Hastings Read More »

Stewart transfers to Hastings, appreciates close-knit campus, challenging classes

Anna Stewart dreaded going to classes at her first university in Oregon. Now, the Milwaukee, Ore.-native, who first heard about Hastings College from a former high school coach, has found her groove halfway across the country. “My classes at Hastings College are challenging and engaging,” she said. “I actually enjoy going to class every day,

Stewart transfers to Hastings, appreciates close-knit campus, challenging classes Read More »

Transfer student enjoys top-rated education at a lower cost

As Jami Anderson considered completing her bachelor’s degree, she saw tremendous value in transferring to Hastings College. “It was just a great opportunity to receive a top-rated education at a lower cost thanks to academic transfer grants,” said the Elementary and Special Education Major who completed her Associate’s Degree at Central Community College (CCC) in

Transfer student enjoys top-rated education at a lower cost Read More »
