
Success Stories

Sally Jurgensmeier w

Woman of Steel: Sally Jurgensmier ’93

On her family farm, near Minden, Nebraska, artist Sally Jurgensmier ’93 uses a wire welder to transform cold scrap metal into wondrous, expressive sculptures that fill her farmyard and showroom: a giant rooster and cat, ornate crosses and dozens of abstract pieces with metal rods spiraling around axles, blades and gears. “It started at Hastings

Woman of Steel: Sally Jurgensmier ’93 Read More »

KyleCollins 22a

Collins studying actuarial science with assistance from Public School Scholars Programme

Kyle Collins, a sophomore at Hastings College from Eleuthera, The Bahamas, said he believes education is an opportunity to seize his dreams and of him understanding concepts better than he previously did, according to an article in The Nassau Guardian. He also believes education is about connecting with people at a deeper level. Collins said

Collins studying actuarial science with assistance from Public School Scholars Programme Read More »
